How to link a video, album, or other digital content to an EZ FRAME?
Before starting the linkage, please make sure you have a "share link" of the content you want to link to. If you don't know how to obtain a share link of your content. Please refer to your content storage provider's documentation or our FAQ if your content is located at Google Photos, Google Drive, or Apple iCloud.
To link a video or other digital contents to an EZ FRAME, following the steps below:
Login to the EZX web app at
Go to "View All My EZ FRAME"
Find the EZ FRAME you want to link or update your content with
Click on "Update Content Source" button below it
Obtain the "Share Link" for the new content and paste that new link onto the "Link to Your Content" field from the setting page
Click on "Update" button
That's it. Your EZ FRAME is now linked with the new content. You can scan the QR code from your EZ FRAME to view your linked content.