EZ FRAME Use Scenarios
Inspired By Our Users

Go-Away Gift For A Visiting Friend
The host friend uses the sightseeing photos they took in the past few days to make a short video
She links the video to the EZ FRAME
At the day of her friend departing, she gives the EZ FRAME to them as a go-away gift

Express Love & Appreciation At Your Special Occasion
Place the EZ FRAME at the dinning room where it captures your love one's eyeballs easily
Link an album containing a collection of love memories, shared photos to it
Scan and show the content to the love ones​

Event Display At A Wedding Reception
Couple creates and links a "Wedding reception" album to an EZ FRAME
Selects and places engagement photos and other special moments leading up to the wedding onto the album
EZ FRAMEs are placed on each dinning tables for all of their guests to enjoy

Story Telling Tool At A Party
Host links a video about a story shared with his guests onto an EZ FRAME
Hang the EZ FRAME at the party premise for guests to view
Scan and play the shared video when the conversation leads to around the photo on the EZ FRAME

Gift For Distant Grandparents
Parents link an album capturing their kid's fun photos to an EZ FRAME
Send the EZ FRAME to their parents as a gift
Grandpa hangs it on the wall of their dinning room - no power needed, no device maintenance ever
Grandparents scan and view the new stories about their grandchild at their leisure time - no search at all

Pregnancy Journal
Track 10 months baby growth
Mom update content with major baby activities, i.e. baby ultrasound images, growth of belly, first kick, etc.​
Two EZ FRAME - one at mom-to-be home and one at grandparent-to-be house